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Ordua: 2012-02-02-02

Irakurri gehiago >>

The eighth session of the “Face Diagnosis Consultation and Transaction System Course” officially came to a successful conclusion on January 5, 2024. The first day of the course was filled with valuable content, providing a comprehensive understanding of scientific face diagnosis and e.. .

Irakurri gehiago >>

Posta: 2012-20-20 12

Irakurri gehiago >>

In a momentous stride towards revolutionizing skincare technology, MEICET is proud to announce its participation in the prestigious IMCAS World Congress 2024. Set to take place on February 13th in the enchanting city of Paris, France, MEICET will showcase its groundbreaking product, the Skin Anal ...

Irakurri gehiago >>

MEICET Showcasing MC88, MC10, and D8 Skin Analyzers at Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong Cosmoprof Asia, a renowned beauty trade show, is scheduled to take place in Hong Kong from November 15th to 17th. MEICET's CEO, Mr. Shen, will lead a team of sales professionals to participate in this event. ...

Irakurri gehiago >>
Meicet-ek punta-puntako larruazala aztertzeko makinak erakusten ditu London CCR Erakusketa Estetikoan

Meicet-ek punta-puntako larruazala aztertzeko makinak erakusten ditu London CCR Erakusketa Estetikoan

Ordua: 2012-17-10

Salmenta adituak Cissy eta Dommy saltzen dituzten MC10 eta MC88 modeloak aurkezteko, urriko 19an, urria-urriaren 19a Shanghai, Txina - Meicet, larruazaleko azterketa aurreratuen fabrikatzaile garrantzitsuena da, lanean parte hartzeko Aurreikusitako London CCR estesthet ...

Irakurri gehiago >>

Jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan gehiago jakiteko

Idatzi zure mezua hemen eta bidali iezaguzu